Friday, January 9, 2009

New Online Presence

Oh Oh. I just got turned on to Ravelry, an online knitting/crochette/spinning/fiber community. Another thing to sign up for, another online presence to not keep up with. Which reminds me, I really should login into my account so they don't up and delete me.

Next, someone is going to point me towards... "Online mommies who spend way too much time online."

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Almost a year later....

And still nothing. So much for big ideas. Now I've gotten roped into FaceBook so all of this "This is me on the Internet" stuff sparks my interest again. How much time will pass before I pay attention again?

I look at my gallery - I should really upload some more layouts. More importantly, I should really do some more scrapbooking. I haven't done any general album pages for years, I never finished my cruise book and I didn't get Ranen's 1st year book done. Two weeks and he's three. Nine weeks and he'll be a big brother and I'll have another baby book to do. I'm going to be one of the moms busting my behind to get the books done before graduation?

I posted pictures on my FaceBook account, I really should get a photosite going to share photos.

I really should get Ranen his scissors, markers and crayons so he can make a mosaic rather than sitting here watching Playhouse Disney.

I really should wash the dishes in the kitchens.

Why is it I don't keep up with this Blog thing again?

Friday, August 24, 2007

So what's this bloggity blog thing anyway?

So I'm getting the urge to write, or to journal, keep a diary, what have you. I'm not sure if it's the scrapbook brainwashing or the discovery of several blogs as I search the web for elements of my favorite past times. I love what people are doing with blogs these days, family newsletters, craftsman show and tell venues, trivial trivia mind dumping, opinions, opinions and more opinions.

I've played with iWeb on my MacBook, I added a blog to my site, typing out some clever bits of personal insight, but alas, the site lives on my laptop and likely will never be uploaded. I also have a blog at MySpace, unless they've gone and deleted me, it's been atleast two months since I popped my head into that trend. I even have a blog on that I think I posted to once. So, what the heck, I'll give this blogging thing another chance. I certainly don't have anything to say from atop my soap box. And I don't really care if anyone is listening. Most likely this one will fade into the vast shadows with the rest of my half hearted attempts.